Alygard Tablets

Allylestrenol 5mg Tablet | Alygard

Categories: Tablet Section

Allylestrenol 5mg Tablet – Alygard has come up with the medication with the salt Allylestrenol5 which specializes in pregnancy care. The tablet’s salt used is purely made to take care of the female fetus by providing special care and securing it by preventing miscarriages, premature birth, and early labor symptoms. The best quality Allylestrenol 5mg Tablet comes with the brand name Alygard by Femcorp. Femcorp is known as the Best Allylestrenol manufacturer and supplier in PAN India.

Alygard’spharmaceutical scientists had made sure to provide all the required care a woman deserves while she is pregnant. The drug promotes the strong growth of the embryo and helps it strengthen with the endometrial lining thereby promoting blood flow that relaxes the muscles hence preventing premature labor.

Satisfactory Benefits

The medication provides you with plenty of benefits that may not disappoint you with the outcomes.
• Alygard’sAllylestrenol 5mg tablet gives intense relaxation by increasing the blood flow which provides the necessary relief.
• Since the drug is specially designed for women who underwent plenty of miscarriages, hence it protects the embryo from getting deceased.
• The medication not just works for the gynae health but also benefits the cells and mammary glands by tendering the muscles.

Composition and Quality of Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet

• Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet comes in a box size of 10 X 10.
• The tablets are packed in silver foil which prevents moisture to enter.
• The size of a tablet is made in a manner that it will dissolve quickly.
• Talking about the quality purpose our pharmaceutical scientist has followed the criteria decided for the manufacturing units of pharma companies.
• The tablet has passed all the quality checks before getting into the market.
• It is advisable to store theAllylestrenol 5 mg tablet in a cool and dry place.

Guidelines while consuming Allylestrenol 5 mg

The patient must follow some necessary precautions that are suggested below.
• It is necessary to take expert advice before consuming Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet.
• Women taking other medication containing similar salt contents are advised not to overdose as it may cause adverse effects.
• If a serious issue develops after the consumption, contact your gynecologist immediately.
• It is advisable not to perform any task that makes the body tired as Allylestrenol 5 mg salt tablet may give the feelings of drowsiness.
Note: Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet must be used for external use only.

Ramification effects of consuming Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet

• There can be an issue regarding headache after consumption of all mestranol 5mg tablets.
• If there is a sign of unacceptable vaginal discharge or minor bleeding then we would recommend a consultation with a clinician before consumption.
• In some cases the tablet may give hypertension.
• There are chances of liver-related problems if taken in a continuous manner.
• Since the tablet is made to cure the adverse effects, it is suggested not to take it without any confirmed pregnancy issue as it might lead to self-termination if taken without recommendation.
• The Allylestrenol 5 mg may disturb the desired routine by causing fatigue and depression in some cases.
Disclaimer: The aftereffects of Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet vary from person to person.

Frequently asked questions about Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet Use

1. How many doses of Allylestrenol 5 mg tablets are recommended to consume per day?
 The requirement ofAllylestrenol 5mg tablet is different from person to person. It is better to ask the doctor about it.

2. At what trimester is the Allylestrenol 5 most recommended?
 As Allylestrenol 5 mg tablet is made specifically to prevent miscarriage, your gynecologist would decide the right time to start the tablets.

We are concerned about your health hence we believe that the above-mentioned information about Alygard’s Allylestrenol 5 mg tablets is beneficial for your knowledge. In the end, we would sincerely request our readers to follow all the precautions suggested while consuming the tablet made for beneficial purposes.

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